2011年9月11日 星期日


資料來源:Insructalbes → Fix TV remote control buttons
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Certain buttons on a TV remote can get worn out over time. In my case it was the channel up and channel down buttons. The contacts on the bottom of the button are likely worn out. This is how I fixed mine.

Step 1Snip a small piece of wire from a copper wire

In the photo, the small speck in between the spool of wire and the wire cutters is the piece of wire snipped off for use.

Step 2Pound the piece of wire into a little copper disc.

With smooth faced hammer, pound the tiny piece of wire into a flat round itty bitty disc. The dot in the middle of the paper is the copper disc pounded out from the wire in the last photo. If the shape is too elongated, trim it with the wire cutters.

Step 3Disasemble the remote control

Using a screwdriver, pry the remote control apart and pull apart the pieces. The screw driver may need to be very small, such as a jewelers screwdriver. On underside of the buttons, there are conducting contact pads that can wear out. Sometimes they only need to be cleaned. This how to addresses a worn contact pad.

Step 4Glue the copper plates over the worn button contacts

In this photo I've glued small copper plates over the contact pads on the underside of two buttons that were worn. Channel up and channel down. Let the glue dry. I've found that a good strong glue is necessary. I used Gorilla Glue.

註:銅片可以用鋁箔紙代替, 膠水用三秒膠

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